We are proud lobbyists, communications specialists and relationship builders.
Our Democratic and Republican government relations professionals at Dennehy & Bouley create client value by providing targeted, fully-integrated consulting services.
Throughout our history, the Dennehy & Bouley team has enabled corporations, associations and non-profits to promote their interests through political, legislative lobbying and regulatory processes.
We help our clients create opportunities and solve problems by devising and implementing effective, creative strategies to achieve success. Our relationships with the new Democratic legislative leaders are second to none, and our Republican relationships remain stronger than any. Whether your issue needs a bi-partisan, Democrat, or Republican focus, Dennehy & Bouley will deliver.
Federal, State and Local Government Relations:

American Association of University Professors
– UNH Chapter
American Council of Engineering Companies (NH)
American Forest and Paper Association
American Physical Therapists Association (NH)
Atlas PyroVision
Catholic War Vets
CBS Outdoor
COG Railway
Community Support Network, Inc
Concord Hospital
Consumer Electronics Association
Diamond Distributors
Direct Buy
HID Global
New England Equipment Dealers
New Hampshire Association of Nurse Anesthetists
New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
New Hampshire Dental Hygienists Association
New Hampshire Opticians Society
New Hampshire Property Owners Association
New Hampshire Veterinary Medical Association
Pew Center on the States
Retail Energy Supply Association
Senior Nutrition Network of New Hampshire
Teamsters’ Local 633
Government Procurement:

Bearing Point
Daniel Webster College
Strategic Communications and Issue Advocacy

American Chemistry Council
American Council on Science and Health
Americans for Technology Leadership
Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Building America’s Future
Consumer Alliance for Energy Security
Healthcare Leadership Council
Lockheed Martin
New Hampshire Energy Forum
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council
United Seniors Association